Why Now May Not Be The Time To Buy A House
I’ve been looking at real estate for about a month now, wondering if the time is right to buy a home, or if I should continue to wait. Unfortunately I may never know the answer to that question, as it’s almost always impossible to time the market. I can, however, use statistics and reason to…
10 Personal Finance Blogs That Can Save You Money
I’ve mentioned before that I love to read financial news and financial articles. I’m borderline obsessed with personal finance and I’ve spent the past couple of years searching out the best of the best. Today I’d like to share with you some of the best Personal Finance Blogs that can save you money with their…
The Best of Debit versus Credit, Jan 2009
January was a difficult month at Debit versus Credit. Not only did I begin my final semester of studies as an undergrad, but I nearly lost about a month and a half’s worth of work here when the database crashed. Thankfully I was able to recover all of my missing posts thanks to the wonderful…
If We Must Regulate The Credit Card Industry, Let’s Do It Wisely
While doing my daily reading of the financial news and articles posted on popular personal finance news sites such as CNN Money I came across an interesting feature where Americans tell President Obama what they think he should do to fix the economy and their lives. While I’m not convinced that President Obama has the…
Why A Large Down Payment Isn’t Always Best, Take Two.
Yesterday I posted a blog entry about down payments when purchasing a home and why I found that paying extra down doesn’t necessarily save you much money over the life of the loan. Turns out that my findings were highly controversial. Before you do anything else make sure to read Does A Large Down Payment…
Does A Large Down Payment Save Money In The Long Run?
I love spreadsheets. I’ll be the first to admit that I’m a total spreadsheet nerd. My wife and I have been talking lately about buying a house sometime next year and that’s led me to do some number crunching in Excel, trying to figure out how much money we should put down on a house.…
Have You Had To Adjust To A Reduction In Salary?
The United States economy shed about 2 million jobs in 2008. Some people have been fortunate enough to keep their jobs but have had to accept salary cuts. The point is that millions of people have had serious reductions in salary. Are you one of these people? [poll id=”4″] While browsing through financial reporting sites…