Category: Personal Finance

  • Grow Your Wealth With Automatic Savings

    While most people yearn for wealth not all will achieve any significant levels of wealth in their lifetime. I am of the opinion that anyone can build wealth, but for most of us building wealth will take time. It doesn’t come to most of us because of our natural abilities or talents or because we…

  • Best of Debit versus Credit, December 2008

    December marked the end of a unique year. We saw everything from a major financial catastrophe to a historical presidential election. Here at Debit versus Credit we saw some interesting articles as well on everything from Investor Psychology to an argument in favor of making as small a down payment on a home as possible.…

  • Are You Prepared for the New Year?

    The start of a new year is a great time to not only reflect on the previous year but also to think about what you would like to accomplish in the upcoming year. It’s true that to many people a New Year’s Resolution is often nothing more than a wish-list of self-improvement and related goals…

  • Common Identity Theft Scams And How To Avoid Them

    Yesterday in the post Identity Theft is No Laughing Matter I shared some basic information with you about identity theft. Today I’d like to take this one step further and educate you on some specific scams used to obtain your personal information. My hope is that by educating you on these scams you’ll be less…

  • Identity Theft is No Laughing Matter

    While watching The Office the other day I saw an episode where Jim, the office prankster, comes in dressed like Dwight, an annoying paper salesman. At first Dwight doesn’t realize that Jim is making fun of him, but after Jim starts to argue with Dwight about bears (Dwight’s favorite animal), he becomes enraged and shouts,…

  • Are You Still Actively Investing?

    The market has been more than crazy over the past several months. It’s a bit depressing to look at all of the losses that I’ve had, at least on paper, but I know that eventually it’ll all come back. Nonetheless it’s definitely scary out there for a lot of people. I’m interested to know how…

  • What Everyone Who Has US Dollars Needs to Know About China

    Today we’ll be featuring a guest post from Simit Patel, a contributing analyst at As the recent economic turbulence has shown us, we live in a global economy. And thus, if you want to astutely manage your finances, you need to know about how global factors can affect your wealth. And if you hold…