Personal Finance Tips & Advice to Start the Week

We all have bad habits, especially those related to our own financial well-being.  Some of us have a compulsive shoe buying habit while others might not be able to go without that Vente latte from Starbucks in the morning. Then there are some who just need some advice on where to park their money or how to budget or how to get started investing. To be honest sometimes we all need some personal finance tips to steer us in the right direction. So today I’d like to list a few of my favorite posts here at Debit versus Credit as well as a few that I’ve run into at other personal finance blogs. We’ll start with some recent posts of mine:

Buffet’s Buying – But Should You?

Investing for Beginners – Analyzing Financial Statements

4 Ways College Students Can Save Money

Never Lie to Your Insurance Company

Do You Really Need Cable?

Of course there’s a plethora of great financial tips and advice out there on the internet. For example my friends over at the Blueprint for Financial Prosperity posted a list of 50 Financial Skills Every Person Needs to Know and MoneyNing tells us why personal finance is like taking a shower in If You Have Time for a Shower You Have Time for Personal Finance. After you’re done reading those then check out the “No Spending Day” idea posted over at I Will Teach You To Be Rich (and don’t forget to check out his other tips on frugality).

That’s going to do it for today. If you have any personal finance questions or need personal finance advice then either comment here and ask your question or feel free to send me an e-mail at joseph [at] debitversuscredit [dot] com

Make it a good Monday!

2 responses to “Personal Finance Tips & Advice to Start the Week”

  1. I think the area of finances is one of those where most of the people can use some additional education/help/stirring in the right direction – because it’s something that’s not taught in schools and our parents might not have been so good with money and financial planning either.
    Thank you for sharing your knowledge and understanding!

  2. I enjoyed the article getting rid of unneeded services, like cable. There are a lot of things that aren’t really all that necessary, but for many these services have become engraved as something you have to have.

    Interestingly, I too used to watch the Food Network. I canceled my cable a few years ago and still don’t have it btw, but I kept my cable internet. They put a filter on that stopped the cable TV signal, but let my Internet signal go through.

    The filter didn’t filter out the Food Network, Travel Channel, or Cartoon Network, so I used to watch those three channels a lot. Kind of helped me wean myself off of cable TV. I haven’t had Cable in over 3 years now, not because I can’t afford it, but because I really don’t need it.

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