
Like most people I don’t find myself constantly thinking about charitable giving. I love to help others and I honestly try to donate my time and or money as often as possible, but I’ll regularly find charity skipping my mind for months at a time. My wife on the other hand is constantly talking about how we should be doing more to help those in need. This I am grateful for. So when Kevin Yu, co-founder of SpringCoin, reached out to me about a new movement called #GivingTuesday I was all for it.

You may have seen the hashtag being used on Twitter or Facebook. You certainly have if you follow me on twitter. Kevin volunteers at a non-profit organization called Givology. They are a 100% volunteer-run organization that connects donors to students and grassroots projects in developing countries. Givology is taking the initiative to help raise awareness of #GivingTuesday and are matching donations (through the end of November) dollar-for-dollar!

What is #GivingTuesday?

You’re likely familiar with Black Friday and Cyber Monday. #GivingTuesday is meant to raise awareness for helping others that might be less fortunate than us. It could be anyone, anywhere. Hurricane Sandy victims, starving children around the world, homeless in  your town. It doesn’t matter. Doing something is better than doing nothing.

How we contributed to #GivingTuesday

On top of raising awareness through this blog post my wife and I donated money toward a grassroots project that will help rehabilitate former street-children in Kenya. The better half has a very soft spot in her heart for children in Africa so that’s what made us decide on donating to this particular project. You can check out the project here at Givology.

How you can help

The easiest thing you can do is help spread awareness. Tweet to your followers about #GivingTuesday and talk about it with your friends and family on Facebook. If you’d like to donate check out Givology or your favorite non-profit. Givology will be matching donations dollar for dollar until the end of November.  If you’d like to donate, follow this link. Finally, if you click through the Rafflecopter widget below you can enter to win a Givology gift card! Make it so and have a fantastic Thanksgiving!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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