It’s been an interesting week for me. I finally finished with the summer semester at ASU so now I’m on break for about two weeks before classes start up again. I pulled off a couple of A’s so I’m extremely happy about that. Anyway enough about me. Here are a few posts which I ran across over the last week:
For those of you who are health-conscious and into the organic movement there’s a great post over at covering 25 ways to make an organic lifestyle more affordable.
While we’re on the topic of frugality I thought I’d bring up a great post I ran into over at about how you can save money by purchasing expensive items abroad. Check out I saved $2,500 by purchasing two items abroad. Is that un-American?
For those Extreme Makeover fans out there here’s a sad tidbit of information. A family who received a home via the Extreme show in 2005 is facing foreclosure after a failed business attempt with funds taken out of the equity in their home. Check it out at
That’s it for this week. Stay tuned for more next weekend!