Saving Money at Lunch Time
Today we’re featuring a guest post from the good folks at BeattheEconomy2009.com Every parent wants to send their child off school with a good, healthy lunch. Mine did. However, many parents mistake a good lunch as one filled with attractively-packaged, sugary, expensive items. This should not be the case. Packing a brown bag lunch will…
Saving Money With A Library Card
You don’t have to enjoy reading to take advantage of everything that your library has to offer. In fact you don’t even have to like reading at all. My bet is that your library still has plenty of entertainment options available. Most modern libraries are not only stocked with books but also music cd’s, movies,…
4 Ways College Students Can Save Money
Being myself a student I’m fully aware of all of the potential cost-savings that can come along with pursuing a higher education. Of course these cost-savings don’t come cheaply: paying for college can cost thousands to tens of thousands of dollars a year. But you’re already paying for that right? You might as well take…
An Easy Way To Save Money: Plan.
Today we’ll be featuring a guest post from Michael Caldwell at UseTheDollar.com, a finance blog for college students. Stores Expect to Sell you more than you came for The majority of my unplanned spending is composed of impulse buying of items in stores. Your lack of planning and Store’s tricky methods cause you to spend…
Using Your Credit Card (Wisely) Can Save You Money
I’m no fan of credit card debt. It’s just about the easiest way to ruin your life, financially speaking. However I am an advocate of using credit cards when they can benefit you financially. Believe it or not there are several ways that using a credit card for purchases can actually save you money. It…
My Shiny New Bike and a 70% RoI
As most of you know school has started up once again. Considering that I am so close to ASU (about a mile one-way) I thought it might make sense to forgo driving to school in favor of either walking or riding my bike. It turned out, however, that my old bike (which had been sitting…
How to Choose Insurance Deductibles
How much should my insurance deductibles be? You’ve all heard the question asked before, and maybe you’ve even asked it yourselves. It’s a rather straightforward question, but there is no one right answer. Everyone has a different financial situation and as such should look at their individual situations to decide how much to set deductibles…