Category: Building Wealth

  • Building Wealth at the Grand Opening

    These burgers were world famous and, when the doors flew open, they’d be free. Usually going for $2.49, the memory of their flavor had made scores of people camp out on the sidewalk. And that’s when it hit me. “Free”? If I ate as many as I could, would it make up for the two…

  • Make it Automatic

    How much is your time worth? What are you paying yourself for every hour you work?  Today over 75% of those retiring have only social security to depend on.  The retirement lifestyle this creates is not one filled with the dreams from your youth.  It is one that lacks the funds for travels you thought…

  • I Need To Rollover My Old 401k

    I’m often lazy when it comes to managing my money. I’ve talked about automating a million times before and that’s because I automate everything I can. The more I automate the less chance I have of screwing something up. Unfortunately sometimes you’ve got to do something that just can’t be automated. Switching banks for example,…

  • I’ll Soon Be Making Less Money but Saving More With An Automatic Savings Plan

    As I mentioned a few days ago I’ve accepted a new job where I’ll be taking a pay cut of approximately $10,000 a year when compared to my current salary. If you read that post then you would understand why I felt this would be a good idea, but suffice it to say that I’m…

  • Build Wealth by Investing in Mutual Funds

    Everyone wants to know what the next hot stock will be. What they all fail to realize is that investing isn’t about picking the right stocks at the right time. Investing isn’t sexy like those jerks on Wall Street portray it — in fact if you want to lose lots of money very quickly you…