Personal Finance Tips for Students
As a student the last thing on your mind is probably personal finance, and related personal finance tips & advice. Nonetheless while you are in your 20’s you are at a critical point in your life and following personal finance tips for students is something you’ll wish you’d done when you are older. I guarantee…
355 Money Saving Tips
Like so many of my personal finance blogging peers, I believe that anyone can excel at managing their personal finances; I believe that anyone can become financially independent. Most people just need a little bit of advice and an occasional hand to hold. While I can’t necessarily hold your hand (hard to do over the…
10 Personal Finance Blogs That Can Save You Money
I’ve mentioned before that I love to read financial news and financial articles. I’m borderline obsessed with personal finance and I’ve spent the past couple of years searching out the best of the best. Today I’d like to share with you some of the best Personal Finance Blogs that can save you money with their…
Saving Money at Lunch Time
Today we’re featuring a guest post from the good folks at BeattheEconomy2009.com Every parent wants to send their child off school with a good, healthy lunch. Mine did. However, many parents mistake a good lunch as one filled with attractively-packaged, sugary, expensive items. This should not be the case. Packing a brown bag lunch will…
Saving Money With A Library Card
You don’t have to enjoy reading to take advantage of everything that your library has to offer. In fact you don’t even have to like reading at all. My bet is that your library still has plenty of entertainment options available. Most modern libraries are not only stocked with books but also music cd’s, movies,…
4 Ways College Students Can Save Money
Being myself a student I’m fully aware of all of the potential cost-savings that can come along with pursuing a higher education. Of course these cost-savings don’t come cheaply: paying for college can cost thousands to tens of thousands of dollars a year. But you’re already paying for that right? You might as well take…