The Automatic Millionaire: Chapter 7
Today’s Friday Book Club will feature Chapter 7 of The Automatic Millionaire and is entitled The Automatic Debt-Free Lifestyle. In this chapter David Bach focuses on debt and lists several reasons why it is usually a bad thing to have and why wealthy people most often will not be in debt. I really appreciate the…
Young Ignoramuses
How’s this for a hotly debated topic: Should credit card companies be punished for soliciting to youth and college age students? There’s many an argument out there in favor of punishing these companies for “hard-selling” their product to ignorant youth. I’d wager that there’s probably just as many arguments saying that these companies have no…
Time To Re-Evaluate The Budget
($10,112.01) That’s a large number. A much larger number than I thought it would be. That number right there is how much we have paid on our primary Visa credit card this year. I should explain something. We don’t carry credit card balances on a month to month basis. When I get a credit card…
A Look Back At 2007
It’s hard to believe that the New Year is almost here. Christmas has now come and gone (along with Hanukkah) and we’re fast approaching the end of the year 2007. For me 2007 was a great year. I began truly getting my finances in order and building wealth. I’m by no means wealthy at the…
The Worst Years of My (Financial) Life
I have a confession to make. It wasn’t very long ago that I experienced the worst few years of my life, financially speaking. In the latter-half of 2004 I began my adult life full-force, and I hate to admit, but I began it quite poorly. In not very much time at all I managed to…