Thank you blog for keeping me in line
I finally called to start the process of rolling over my 401k and it’s all thanks to my blog. Well, sort of. I’m a wicked procrastinator, so last week I figured I’d write a post about how I need to roll over my old 401k and I set a goal for myself to do it…
I Need To Rollover My Old 401k
I’m often lazy when it comes to managing my money. I’ve talked about automating a million times before and that’s because I automate everything I can. The more I automate the less chance I have of screwing something up. Unfortunately sometimes you’ve got to do something that just can’t be automated. Switching banks for example,…
Emotions Have No Place With Investing
Investing and emotions don’t belong together. They never have and they never will. In fact if you want a sure fire way to lose money while investing then by all means let your emotions make your decisions. However if you are in it for the long haul and just want to grow your wealth by…
Must Read Posts That I Linked To on Twitter the Week of July 18th
I’m constantly scouring the internet for interesting articles and posts about personal finance, entrepreneurship, business trends and whatever else I happen to find interesting at the time. I then turn around and share the best material I can find with my followers on twitter. I wanted to share a few of my favorites from the…
Are You Still Actively Investing?
The market has been more than crazy over the past several months. It’s a bit depressing to look at all of the losses that I’ve had, at least on paper, but I know that eventually it’ll all come back. Nonetheless it’s definitely scary out there for a lot of people. I’m interested to know how…
Achieving Wealth and Prosperity
As a personal finance blogger I find it interesting to read other personal finance blogs not only to learn from these individuals but also to see how they perceive money and the world around them. You can always find links to some of my favorite finance blogs in my blogroll, but today I want to…
Keep Investing In Your 401k Plan
Here’s a question for you: If you put $5,000 dollars into your 401k plan this year and your employer also puts $5,000 into your 401k plan and over the course of a year your investments lose 40% of their value… assuming all of this, how much would you have lost? The answer may surprise you. …