Weekend Reading: June 14th

Welcome to the first edition of Weekend Reading. A lot of blogs out there do this and I think it’s a fantastic idea. Most of the following links are from my blogroll, so I’d definitely recommend your taking the time to go through the blogs I link to occasionally. There’s some great information out there. This week there’s some great reading. Our topics include fuel prices, credit card companies and their targeting of college students, Warren Buffett’s advice to a novice investor, ways to save money when going out and advice on investing in dividend paying securities.

Ryan at The Better Credit Blog brings up a fantastic point regarding personal finance education (or the lack thereof) and how credit card companies specifically target college students because of their vulnerability. Check out How College Students are Taught Personal Finance by Credit Card Companies.

Tim Ferriss, author of The 4-Hour Workweek, recently attended the Berkshire Hathaway annual shareholders meeting and had the opportunity to ask Warren Buffett a question. He asked Mr. Buffett, If you were 30 years old and had no dependents but a full-time job that precluded full-time investing, how would you invest your first million dollars, assuming that you can cover 18 months of expenses with other savings?” Warren Buffet responded with a very unexpected answer. Check out Tim’s post about this experience: Picking Warren Buffett’s Brain.

Michael at Money Musings talks about everyones favorite current subject: gas prices. It’s actually a redux to a previous post by him about the stress caused by increasing fuel costs. It’s an interesting read and also has a link to a downloadable excel spreadsheet which can be used to calculate fuel costs if it were to cost a certain amount ($6 a gallon, anyone?). Check Out Gas Price Stress Redux.

With the increase in fuel costs it’s becoming more difficult to stay within a budget, especially for us twenty-somethings. Trent at The Simple Dollar gives some practical advice on how to have fun and go out while keeping your costs low. Check out Sixteen Ways to Go Out on the Town on the Cheap.

Blake at Youngdough.com shares with his readers his strategy for investing in SOLID dividend paying securities. Check out How I Invest in Solid Dividend-Paying Securities.

That should be enough to keep you busy this weekend. I’d love to hear your comments on this weeks weekend reading. We’ll do this again next weekend.

One response to “Weekend Reading: June 14th”

  1. Joe thanks for the links, especially that awesome one on Youngdough! 😉

    Tim Ferris picking Warren Buffett’s brain? That ought to be good all-around. I love reading everything I can about both of these guys.

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