Thank you blog for keeping me in line

I finally called to start the process of rolling over my 401k and it’s all thanks to my blog. Well, sort of. I’m a wicked procrastinator, so last week I figured I’d write a post about how I need to roll over my old 401k and I set a goal for myself to do it within a week. It’s been a week now and I’m proud to report that I called USAA and got the process started. Granted it will take 2-4 weeks for the account to fully roll over, but at this point all the hard work is now out of my hands.

I couldn’t be happier.

Through all of this I was reminded how important it is to know your own strengths and weaknesses. Like I said already my weakness is procrastination. Without something to remind me or push me into doing something I know I need to do, I’ll likely keep putting it off over and over and over again.

I knew I needed to do this. I knew what I needed to do. I just couldn’t find the inspiration – if you will – to actually get it done.

Here’s where psychology comes into play, along with the benefit of recognizing your strengths and weaknesses. I knew that if I held myself accountable (which I did through my blog post last week) that I would get it done. Sure enough I did.

Human behavior (psychology) is something that personal finance bloggers don’t talk about nearly enough. As Ramit said during a speech at the financial blogger conference (I’m paraphrasing here): people know they need to get out of debt, and they generally have the knowledge on how to pay it off as well, but they just can’t find the will to actually get out of debt.

Why is that? Ultimately it’s just who we are. The best way to overcome that is to figure out what your shortcomings are and then find ways to overcome them. That’s what I did to help with my procrastinating. That’s what I’d like all of you to do as well.

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