Merry Christmas to All and to All A Debt Free Life

birthday-giftIt’s my favorite time of the year once again. I’m out of school until next semester and right now all I have to worry about is going to work and making money. I still have a job and I don’t have to worry about losing it either so to be completely honest with you, my life is going pretty well.

While things are going well for me, I am not naive enough to believe that everyone else in the World is having a merry holiday season. I know things are rough out there for a lot of people, and while I’m counting my blessings that right now I’m not facing a lot of difficulties I’m still concerned for others’ well-being.

I’m especially concerned that people are getting themselves into unnecessary debt this Christmas season, just to pay for the most extravagant presents they can think of for their kids or their significant others. While it’s nice to give and receive the best presents it’s really not practical to give what you can’t afford to give. Don’t get yourself into debt that you’ll be paying off until next Christmas just to pay for this one.

With that being said I’d like to ask you a question, and be honest with me here.

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With any luck the answers are going to come back with very little to no debt taken on this year, but I’m worried that I won’t get the results I’d really like to see. Nevertheless I hope that you all have a Merry Christmas and if you’re not there already make sure you get started on creating a debt-free life for yourself!

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