After 9 months of almost absolute silence from me regarding what sort of investments I have made, I think it’s about time that I present to you my stock portfolio. I own shares in 9 different companies. Some of my investments may not have been very wise at the time, but I’m under the impression that rather than selling for a loss I should hang on and see what happens. Truthfully I’ve started rather small and don’t have much to lose, but I do have a lot to gain. So without further ado, here you are…
As you can see I’m hanging on to AAPL, BAC, BX, C, GE, JSDA, RIMM, SIGM, and V. The largest loss I’ve taken at this point (dollar wise) is AAPL, but it’s a long-term move in a company I love so no big deal. In fact I just bought another share of AAPL the other day at around $161 – so I’ve done just a wee bit of dollar cost averaging. As I continue to build up my cash I’ll be moving more and more money into stocks – especially now that the market is down so much. Stay tuned then for future stock portfolio picks.
What are you holding?