The State of the Housing Market
Unless you’ve been asleep for the past year, you are more than aware of the slump in the housing market. You might be someone who is adversely affected by the downturn in housing, or maybe you are waiting for the downturn to continue because you are looking to buy your own property. My wife and…
Happy Holidays
I have been quite busy this past week between Thanksgiving and preparing for finals week at school. I will be coming back tomorrow with another Friday Book Club and I’ll be back full force next week, but in the meantime I wanted to link you to some of my favorite finance posts that I’ve written…
A Charity I Recently Donated To
Do you donate to any charities on a regular basis, or have you made a substantial donation to one in the past? My wife and I just recently made a substantial (keep in mind that this term is relative) donation to a charity which treats children in less-fortunate countries for cleft lip. Now before I…
Greed, Poor Management.. or Both?
If you try to keep up on business news like I do, then by now you have read about Intel and their third-quarter record sales. These record sales can be attributed to strong demand for laptop and notebook computers (on a side note, I do wonder how much of this can be attributed to the…
Welcome to Debit versus Credit
With the launch of Debit versus Credit I thought it would be a good idea to introduce not only myself, and my motivation for creating this web destination, but also the idea behind Debit versus Credit; the credo or mission statement, if you will. My name is Joseph McClellan. I am a Global Business major…