I’m Thankful For
Happy Thanksgiving weekend everyone! I thought it’d be a nice time to publicly share the things I’m thankful for with all of you. This will probably be just a short little post, so bear with me. It’d be awesome to hear from some of you what you’re thankful for as well. I’m thankful for my new…
Thank you blog for keeping me in line
I finally called to start the process of rolling over my 401k and it’s all thanks to my blog. Well, sort of. I’m a wicked procrastinator, so last week I figured I’d write a post about how I need to roll over my old 401k and I set a goal for myself to do it…
Saturday November 5th is Bank Transfer Day
November 5th is Bank Transfer Day. Say goodbye to national banks and outrageous bank fees by switching to a local bank or credit union.
Occupy Wall Street or Phoenix or Chicago or…
Unless you’ve been living under a rock somewhere you’ve surely heard about the protests going on all around the United States and even other parts of the world. It started as Occupy Wall Street and has grown into protests going on in basically every major city in the U.S. Here in my hometown of Phoenix…
A tribute to Steve Jobs
I’m a total business geek. I love to read and talk about business trends, marketing, finance and accounting. That might be somewhat obvious to you accountants out there due to the name of this blog (debit and credit being accounting terms). I’m also a total tech geek. Gadgets, technology and business — you combine these…
A Day in the Life of a Financial Advisor (a little humor for your Monday)
Here’s a pretty funny video that was shown to me. I got a total kick out of it. Disclaimer: there is swearing at the end of the video when the financial advisor drops an f-bomb. Watch it? Good. For those who don’t mind thinking a little today, (I know, I know it’s Monday, but bear…
It’s Labor Day, Are You Laboring?
Here’s a bit of Labor Day history for you. The first Labor Day holiday was celebrated on Tuesday, September 5, 1882, in New York City. Before the turn of the 20th century the entirety of the United States had adopted Labor Day as an official holiday; to be celebrated on the first Monday of every…