Some People Do Terrible Things for Money
I was going through some of my old ‘saved’ articles on Instapaper when I ran across this one: $150 Million Trust Fund Stolen From Poor Children In Panama, Lawsuit Claims. It’s a bit of a dull read at times because of all of the ‘legalese’ but the point is outlined in the title. Here’s a brief…
Streamline Your Cashflow with Online Money Tools
I can remember growing up how every few weeks my Mother would pull out the checkbook to take care of the growing pile of bills on the kitchen counter. She must have spent hours every single month organizing bills, making sure they’d been paid, and if they hadn’t writing checks to make sure they were…
Five Things to Do Before You Call Customer Service
Since December, I’ve spent more time on the phone with my internet service provider than I care to admit. Despite dozens of calls, a new modem and router, and a few appointments with a “qualified technician,” my home internet connection drops every 20-30 minutes. Pretty annoying for someone who makes a living working from home!…
Infographic: Surprising Side Effects of Rising College Costs
How many of you find this rings true? Have you found yourself delaying ‘life’ because of high debt incurred while getting an education? Infographic courtesy of onlinecollege.org
Plan for the future and save for your vacations
On a recent trip to South America many things stood out, but the thing that was most staggering was not the adventure itself, but rather meeting people who had cashed in their 401K’s and those who were traveling across the country on credit. I also met those who were traveling across the country with the…
Top 5 Things You Shouldn’t Skimp On During Holidays
Today we’re featuring a guest post from Ally at HowtoSaveMoney.com.au If you read personal finance blogs around the holiday season, you’d think they are more concerned about saving money and to actually enjoy the holidays. “It’s commercialization”, they said. Or, “You don’t need gifts.” Well, those are technically true but there is a line between…
Why Don’t You Have An Emergency Fund Yet?
A single mom’s car breaks down and the repair is going to cost her $500 dollars. If she doesn’t have the money in an emergency fund then what choice does she have but to borrow the $500, as she can’t get to work without her car? Maybe she has good enough credit where she can…