When Looking Forward Don’t Forget To Look Back
The start of a new year, new month or even a new day is a great time to look forward to what you want to accomplish. Do you remember the phrase “Carpe Diem” from that horribly depressing movie, Dead Poet’s Society? It means “seize the day.” There really is no better day than today to decide…
Have You Made Your Financial Resolutions?
I spoke earlier about how it’s important to set personal finance goals. Today I’d like to expound on this idea a little. It’s absolutely important to sit down and make finance related goals, and what better time to do this than at the start of a new year? Of course if you’re going to sit…
A Look Back At 2007
It’s hard to believe that the New Year is almost here. Christmas has now come and gone (along with Hanukkah) and we’re fast approaching the end of the year 2007. For me 2007 was a great year. I began truly getting my finances in order and building wealth. I’m by no means wealthy at the…