A Quick Guide To Repairing Your Finances After College
If you are the super sensible type of college grad who spent all of your time at school working hard to stay afloat, you might well have come out with your diploma as well as a nice pot of savings – or at least not too much debt. If on the other hand you didn’t (like 99%…
Choosing the Right Financial Institutions
I’ve been an employee of a local credit union for about two years now, and I’ve heard stories from a lot of people who have savings, checking accounts, loans or investment accounts at other financial institutions. I myself used to bank with one of the big banks and ever since I switched my accounts over…
Credit Cards 101
What is a Credit card? How do I choose one? Why should I use a credit card instead of cash? I’ve been asked questions like these over and over again, usually by young people who are just starting to learn about the world of credit and personal finance. However it’s never too late (or too…