Would You Rather Pay Now or Later?
A few weeks ago, a friend asked about my decision to buy my son’s jeans from Old Navy, despite the fact that he’s outgrowing his clothes at an alarming rate. “Wouldn’t you rather buy cheaper jeans?” she asked. “That way it won’t hurt as much when you have to buy new ones in a month…
Why Don’t You Have An Emergency Fund Yet?
A single mom’s car breaks down and the repair is going to cost her $500 dollars. If she doesn’t have the money in an emergency fund then what choice does she have but to borrow the $500, as she can’t get to work without her car? Maybe she has good enough credit where she can…
Occupy Wall Street or Phoenix or Chicago or…
Unless you’ve been living under a rock somewhere you’ve surely heard about the protests going on all around the United States and even other parts of the world. It started as Occupy Wall Street and has grown into protests going on in basically every major city in the U.S. Here in my hometown of Phoenix…
Monthly Money Review: March
It may be cold and much too white outside for spring to be just around the corner (unless you’re lucky enough to live in Phoenix) but that does not give you an excuse to neglect your finances. To makes things easier for you I’ve decided to begin a monthly money review series to give you…
Have You Had To Adjust To A Reduction In Salary?
The United States economy shed about 2 million jobs in 2008. Some people have been fortunate enough to keep their jobs but have had to accept salary cuts. The point is that millions of people have had serious reductions in salary. Are you one of these people? [poll id=”4″] While browsing through financial reporting sites…
The Secret to Building Wealth
I’ve had many people ask me over the past several weeks what the secret is to building wealth. Today I am going to share the answer with you. Before I do though, I want to tell you what it’s not. It’s not a great investing tip. It’s not a can’t-lose business idea. It’s not even…
Time For A Financial Checkup
It’s midway through the year. How have you done with the financial goals you set for yourself in January? If you never set any that’s ok. It’s never too late to start. It’s a good time to check your finances and make any necessary adjustments to keep yourself on the right track to financial independence. …