Blogging Idol Begins!
Here’s some awesome news and something I am excited to be a part of. Daily Blog Tips has just kicked off the very first Blogging Idol competition. Blogging Idol is a competition between (as of last count) 96 bloggers to see who can gain the most subscribers between today and the end of July. I’m…
What I Learned In Mexico: Business Negotiation
This is the first of several “What I Learned in Mexico” posts, all of which will have some relation to my study abroad down in Monterrey. Today I’ll be focusing on doing business in Mexico and more specifically, business negotiation practices. These business negotiation practices are custom-tailored for doing business in Mexico, but it’s important…
I’m Going to Mexico
I’ll be taking off tomorrow morning from Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport on my way to Monterrey, MX where I will be doing a very short study abroad session at Tecnologico de Monterrey (the number one business school in all of Latin America). I’ll be gone from June 7th until June 22nd and during the…