Pay Yourself First Doesn’t Mean You Can Live Beyond Your Means
It’s your money and I don’t have any right to tell you what to do with it. On the other hand, you’re here because you’re looking for advice. So consider this advice: Don’t blow all of your savings on your lifestyle! If you’ve set up an automatic savings plan (about the only budget that most…
Why I Accepted a Job Offer For $10k Dollars Less Than I Make Now
I’ve accepted a new job with a small tech/advertising company, which I’ll be starting in less than two weeks now. The catch? My salary will be decreasing by a little more than $10,000 a year with this new position when compared to my current job. I know what you’re probably thinking. It seems odd to…
Use an Automatic Savings Plan to Build Wealth
One of the most important lessons I learned in my quest for financial freedom is how important it is to use an automatic savings plan to build wealth. I was never truly successful at saving significant amounts of money when I was younger because I didn’t use an automatic savings plan. I learned that no…
Build Wealth by Investing in Mutual Funds
Everyone wants to know what the next hot stock will be. What they all fail to realize is that investing isn’t about picking the right stocks at the right time. Investing isn’t sexy like those jerks on Wall Street portray it — in fact if you want to lose lots of money very quickly you…