Good morning and happy weekend to all of you! It’s been an interesting week, with the stock market being so volatile and the $700 billion bailout being passed and signed into law. I’m still of the opinion that the latest government action will not be enough to bring us out of our economic slump that we’ve hit, but with any luck it will at least restore confidence to the American business and consumer. As long as confidence is restored it should go a long way toward bringing us out of this slump.
As usual I’ve spent some time reading other personal finance blogs like Debit versus Credit and I’ve found several good articles that I wanted to share with you. So without further ado…
Frugal Dad has a great post where he shares Five Unique Strategies To Recession-Proof Your Household. He shares some great basic survival tips, but also has some interesting ideas that I’ve never even thought of such as using coupons off of eBay in order to save on stockpiling non-perishables.
Ramit from I Will Teach You To Be Rich has begun an interesting series that he calls The Money Diaries. He’s asking readers to send in diaries of what their financial life is like for an entire week and he posts them anonymously on his blog. This week he’s posted one featuring a young lady who doesn’t make enough to cover her shopping habits. Check Out The Money Diaries.
Michael from Money Musings shares his thoughts on the bailout and some of the untruths that he feels are being passed around regarding it. He’s definitely cynical with his thoughts, but he truly does bring up some great points, most of which I am inclined to agree with. Check out And Pigs Will Fly.
Trent from The Simple Dollar tries to talk us out of being afraid unnecessarily. He quotes from FDR’s inauguration speech where he says that the only thing to fear is fear itself. Trent is referring, of course, to all of the doomsday talk that’s been going around lately and is trying to make the case that there are plenty of things to be optimistic about. Check out The Only Thing We Have To Fear Is Fear Itself.
Blake from talks about Parkinson’s Law of Finance which states that ‘expenses expand as to fill the available budget’. He follows up by sharing his ideas on how one might “beat” this law. Check out Defeating Parkinson’s Law of Finance.
That’s it for this weekend. Check back next week for some great things at Debit versus Credit. Monday October 6th is our 1 year blogoversary and I’ll be kicking things off with a redesign and a contest to boot! Stay tuned…
One response to “Weekend Reading: October 4”
Well happy birthday to your blog Joseph! I like the updated look. Do you do graphics design yourself, or was it some freelancer?
Thanks a ton for the mention! 😀
Blakes last blog post..Tracking My Expenses: