When I started this blog in October of 2007 I didn’t know where it would eventually end up. I still don’t. The personal finance blog by Debit versus Credit has had its ups and its downs, but through it all it’s still here. That’s my biggest accomplishment so far; that’s what I’m most proud of. All of that said I am not anywhere near being truly satisfied with Debit versus Credit. I envision Debit versus Credit being a place that means business, but doesn’t take itself too seriously. I’ve built a blog, but I haven’t been nearly as successful at building a community, and for that part I need your help.
Over the years I’ve learned a lot about personal finance, investing, retirement, buying a house, and much much more. I’ve also learned a bit about blogging, SEO and social networking. I’ve still got a lot to learn, but I’m amazed at how far I (and this blog, by extension) have come.
In the very first post I ever did here at Debit versus Credit I spoke about the mission of the site, let me quote what I said for you in that very first post:
Debit versus Credit is about more than just investing, more than just budgeting, more even than just business; it is about life experiences and how different ideas and financial strategies can be applied to ones own life. Our mission here … is to inform, educate, motivate and entertain you, our readers, on matters of financial (and practical) importance.
I feel like when I wrote those words originally I was inspired and I am recommitting myself to taking that mission statement seriously. I’ll continue to do that by posting regular articles that have relevance and try my hardest to relate them to either experiences that I’ve had myself or that someone I know has. I’ll try my hardest to keep things fresh and entertaining around here, while still providing excellent and thought-provoking personal finance tips.
All I ask from you is your participation. See a post you like? Like it on Facebook, or give it a + one for Google, or tweet about it. The more people we get coming here the more chance we’ll get a lively discussion on every single post and truly start to build a community.
That is the state of the personal finance blog here at Debit versus Credit. Thanks for hanging around these past 4 years and here’s to hoping the next 4 are even better for all of us!
One response to “The State of the Personal Finance Blog, 2011”
[…] Source: https://debitversuscredit.com/miscellaneous/the-state-of-the-personal-finance-blog-2011/ […]