I Want To Hear From You!

Personal finance, made personal. That’s the slogan that I’ve chosen for Debit versus Credit.  I didn’t choose it because it sounds cool.  I didn’t choose it because a friend told me to.  I chose it because that is exactly what I want this blog to accomplish.  There are hundreds of personal finance blogs out there.  So why would you choose to read mine?  Because I want to offer something that other blogs don’t.  I want you to feel like I care about you and about your successes and your failures.  How do we accomplish that?  I need to hear from you.

What is your financial situation like?  Did you just buy your first home?  That’s fantastic! Let me know.  We’ll talk about it and you can pass on advice to other first time homebuyers (I don’t own my own home yet, so I can’t say much about this subject).  Did you lose your home to foreclosure?  I’m sorry to hear that. Again though we could all use advice on what not to do when it comes to purchasing a home so as to avoid foreclosure.  So let me know!  Has your 401(k) lost 15% this year?  Or have you actually gained this year on your 401(k) or other investments?  If so we’d love to know what you invested in.  So let me know.

Whether you have questions about loans, credit, investing, business, entrepreneurship or even want to know what my favorite recipe is then send me an e-mail.

joseph [at] debitversuscredit [dot] com

That’s the address, so use it.  Also please feel free to comment.  I’ll be introducing certain wordpress plugins soon which will give those who want to share their blogs with the world some incentive to leave comments.  If you don’t want to e-mail me for some reason then you have two other options.  Fill out the contact form, or send me an instant message.  My AIM s/n is “tc mojoe” without the quotes.

2 responses to “I Want To Hear From You!”

  1. Joe,

    Sounds like a cool new direction for your blog. I’ll see if I can pick your brain. 😀

    I’ve got to run right now, but I’ll check back in soon.

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