Today is Blog Action Day 2008. The focus this year is on Poverty and overcoming the devastating effects of said tragedy.
Poverty is a terrible thing. So many people around the world are suffering because of a lack of resources, a lack of money and a lack of opportunity. Truly I am blessed having lived in the U.S. my entire life. I’ve been blessed with many opportunities. Unfortunately being so blessed its sometimes difficult to remember that others aren’t nearly as fortunate. It’s not fair to only think about the suffering outside of my little world more than once a year, and I hope that you, my readers, don’t think of me that way. I hope to one day devote my life to philanthropy and charitable giving. However this day, this Blog Action Day gives us all a great chance to think about what is wrong in the world and more importantly, what we can do to help it.
What can we do anyway? I am sure you have asked this question by now. I want you to follow this link (it will open in a new window or tab) to see what one person can do. There are a great many ways to donate of your time or your money to fight a cause so important as poverty is. My plan is to donate all ad income from this blog today to either a charity listed in the above listed link, or to microfinance a loan to someone faced with poverty. I can’t of course encourage any ad link clicking, but if you do see something that looks interesting, please feel free to let your finger do the talking.
For more information I strongly encourage you to check out the homepage of Blog Action Day. Good luck everyone and lets do what we can to fight poverty not only today, but until it is gone from the face of the earth.
2 responses to “Blog Action Day 2008: Fighting Poverty”
It is an interesting to see all the different blogs writing about poverty because of Blog Action Day. Everybody seems to have a little bit of a different outlook but it really is amazing how much attention it has brought to the subject.
John Edwardss last blog post..Heritage Harbour Real Estate
hy, Do something for help the hungry people from Africa and India,
I added this blog about them: