A wise man once said, “with great power comes great responsibility.” Whether you are into Spider Man or not it’s hard to ignore such a profound statement, especially when the U.S. is facing times of great turmoil and our nations’ leaders are asking for unprecedented levels of power in order to shore up the financial system.
You may not realize it but the fate of our economy is essentially in a small number of hands right now, the most significant being Henry Paulson and Ben Bernanke. These two men are pushing to pass a bill in Congress that will give the Department of the Treasury the power to form an entity that will be responsible for buying troubled assets from banks and other financial institutions. By doing so they hope to free these financial institutions from their troubles and allow the banking system to continue to pump money into the struggling economy. With a price tag of around $700 billion dollars this would be the mother of all government bailouts.
The question is, do we really need such an enormous bailout? I’m of the opinion that we don’t and I’ll list for you here 5 reasons why we don’t.
1. The big banks are hurting, but how realistic is it that they ALL fail?
Bank of America, Wells Fargo, Chase. What do these banks all have in common? They are some of the largest financial institutions in the United States. They also all seem to have the cash to survive this credit crunch that we’re in. If this bailout doesn’t pass we’re likely to lose some more banks. Maybe not to bankruptcy, but there will be consolidation for sure. Washington Mutual is in a shaky condition and may not be around in its current form a few years from now. However to assume that without this bailout all banks are going to fail is completely preposterous. That’s highly unlikely to happen, at least at this point.
2. Most regional and local banks and credit unions are still in good condition.
The authorities seem to forget that the BofA’s and the WaMu’s of the world are not the only banks here in the U.S. There is a huge system of credit unions and regional/local banks that have a huge marketshare of the available money here. These banks and credit unions are often in much better conditions than their larger and national counterparts. Sure a lot of the bank failures this year have been with these smaller banks, but it’s important to remember that the ones who took the most risks have failed and been absorbed already. More is likely on the way, but overall these financial institutions have largely avoided the risky mortgage mess.
3. Under the right (or wrong) circumstances such a large bailout could devastate the American Dollar.
The dollar has recovered a lot over the past few months. The price of oil and other commodities is lower now than it was just a few months ago. However this bailout will put a huge strain on the dollar because the government doesn’t have the cash just sitting around in a vault. They’ll have to print money and they’ll have to sell debt. This will put a lot of pressure on the dollar and unless other competing foreign economies collapse (the Euro zone, etc) the dollar will be heading lower. This means we’ll be facing higher prices and increased inflation, as if it wasn’t bad enough already.
4. It reeks of socialism.
A bailout of this magnitude reeks of socialism. We’ll essentially be privatizing the mortgage asset industry and putting it completely under government control. Now last time I checked we lived in nation that’s against socialism and for democracy and a market economy. This bailout is exactly what we’ve fought so hard against since the founding of our great nation.
5. The economy will eventually correct itself, without such drastic intervention.
I believe in the power of a free market. I think that we’re facing a recession and things might be difficult for the next year or so. However the economy always corrects itself and things always get better. It’s a completely natural phenomena to have good years and bad years. Why don’t we let things sort themselves out as they should? If Mr. Greenspan would have done that earlier in the century we likely would not be facing this problem today. Let the economy correct itself so we don’t risk making things worse somewhere down the line.
Henry Paulson and Ben Bernanke are asking for great power. I am concerned about the level of responsibility being placed upon them. I don’t think that they are acting in the best long-term interest of our country by promoting this bailout. Therefore I don’t trust them to have such great power and great responsibility. My advice is to let things work out naturally, just like they always have a tendancy to do. What are your thoughts on the matter? Are you for or against the bailout?
8 responses to “5 Reasons We Don’t Need No Stinking Bailout”
This is great, and most likely accurate, but don’t forget the bigger problem with this bailout; part of the rules are that there is no oversight by anyone, and it’s actions cannot be investigated or every go to court. Also no one can dictate how the money can be used, they can get bailed out and the execs can take all that money then cut & run, still letting the company fail. One man, Hank Paulson, can spend whatever he wants (up to $700 billion at a time) to just “give” money to these institutions that were doing bad business in the first place. This is majorly fucked up.
Government isn’t the Banking industry’s rich daddy. Years of bad and corrupt dealings cannot be rewarded with free money at the taxpayers expense. We should buy the failing banks instead of bailing them out, and sell it to regular people investors. Online loans from groups of regular people are already available and proven stable.
Buckys last blog post..Videos I Found
I agree with most of what you have to say .. but for different reasons.
The problem is Republicans have split into two groups. Libertarian and Corporatist. Corporatist want to privatize reward and socialize risk.
Both Libertarians and most Democrats are against this bailout. As a Democrat, I want more regulation and more corporate responsibility.
Regulation keeps honest people honest and actually enhances business. I work in gaming, one of the most heavily regulated industries. Regulation keeps everyone playing fairly. Which means that little companies and big companies play by the same rules.
Second, Debt=taxes. This bailout is really a 700 billion dollar tax. But instead of this tax going to help regular people or going to improve infrastructure, this tax is going to a whole bunch of big wigs. Just think what all the Republican talking heads would have said if this was presented during a Democrat presidency.
If it were up to me, I would spend the 700 billion on improving infrastructure. Think of all the new jobs and companies it would create. Tell me banks wouldn’t loan money against a guaranteed government contract.
Anyway, thanks for the post. You got me thinking
Kmuzus last blog post..What a Wonderful World
This whole financial meltdown seems to be over reckless lending by the banks. Surely giving them money whenever they get into trouble is only going to encourage them to continue their reckless behaviour? If their actions pay off, they make money. If they don’t, the government just “corrects the economy” and bails them out.
Sqrrl101s last blog post..A change for the better
Republicans believe in socialism for the rich, just not help for the poor, and not health insurance for the middle class. Only millionaires deserve government money. A very rich elderly man in a church I once belonged to was shocked and offended when I asked him if his family had suffered during the depression. “Truly rich people don’t ever suffer, no matter what the economy is doing,” he said. And now we know, thanks to the Republicans, that he was right.
If it happens, it should be done on a Tuesday.
If our government allows this bail out to happen.
We the US Citizens have to understand our entire congress is STUPID EDUCATED STUPID PEOPLE WE VOTED FOR OR SOME OF US DID.
What do the working people get, higher taxes, higher everything and yet we just bitch to each other.
How many of you wrote your senator with your opposition to this bail out, I did
How is socialism and democracy mutually exclusive?
As I believe we currently have front row seats to the inevitable destruction of either America or the Liberal Left, I am voting for America and want no part of anything the Government thinks I need from them. The bottom line for me is that everything this administration is doing is literally destroying this country.
Obama was declaring victory at a news conference saying that he had stopped the horrific free fall of the economy. Gee that’;s funny because I always thought that employment directed an economy which is why the administration used the phony stimulus to “produce” jobs. 10.2% is hardly a success with almost every month this year losing over 500,000 per month.
So what do they do to explain it away, they call it a “jobless recovery?” What the hell is a jobless recovery? I believe it is the same as “saving jobs”. He cannot prove he saved any jobs just like he cannot prove an economy can recover without job growth.
Great blog, and now I know where to come to talk money as well as politics! 😀
.-= Brad @enemyofdebt´s last blog ..Weekly Roundup – “Fall Hiking” Edition =-.