The Sorry State of our Economy
By now the whole world knows just how bad the state of our economy is. It’s no secret to anyone. You hear every day how Wall St. did this or is going to do that. There’s plenty of blame being thrown around and no one willing to admit fault to anything. I’m not going to…
An Economist’s View On The Bank Bailout
It’s clear that for all of the money spent by the U.S. Government in trying to revitalize the U.S. economy (and hopefully by extension, the world economy) not much has actually been accomplished. We seem to be throwing money at anyone who will take it, but nothing good really seems to be happening from it.…
If We Must Regulate The Credit Card Industry, Let’s Do It Wisely
While doing my daily reading of the financial news and articles posted on popular personal finance news sites such as CNN Money I came across an interesting feature where Americans tell President Obama what they think he should do to fix the economy and their lives. While I’m not convinced that President Obama has the…
Fighting a Crisis of Confidence
Many people have been comparing the current economic crisis that we’re facing to that of the Great Depression. While we are seeing some similarities between the Depression and the economic crisis of today, they are largely a different beast. In fact I’d like to argue that while the Great Depression seemed to have been largely…
What Everyone Who Has US Dollars Needs to Know About China
Today we’ll be featuring a guest post from Simit Patel, a contributing analyst at InformedTrades.com As the recent economic turbulence has shown us, we live in a global economy. And thus, if you want to astutely manage your finances, you need to know about how global factors can affect your wealth. And if you hold…
Why Another Rate Cut Could Do More Harm Than Good
It’s clear that the root cause of the financial difficulties that we’re facing in the United States is not related to credit being too expensive. It’s quite the opposite in fact – credit is cheap right now but many banks are actually cutting back on lending. So what gives? Why are we sliding into a…
Fed Cuts Rates to 1%
Many of you may have heard by now that the Federal Reserve cut their key fed-funds rate to 1%, bringing it in line with the lowest level that it’s ever been at. Interestingly enough the last time that the rate was at 1% was within this decade – from June of 2003 until June of…