A Blatant Disregard for Debt
A former coworker would constantly get calls from collection agencies while at work. He’d answer sometimes and pretend he didn’t speak any English. Whether he answered or not he’d always complain about x bank or y company calling to try and collect money from him. At first I felt a little bad for him, after…
Have You Had To Adjust To A Reduction In Salary?
The United States economy shed about 2 million jobs in 2008. Some people have been fortunate enough to keep their jobs but have had to accept salary cuts. The point is that millions of people have had serious reductions in salary. Are you one of these people? [poll id=”4″] While browsing through financial reporting sites…
Do You Play the Balance Transfer Game?
Do you constantly find yourself chasing the next great credit card deal, whether it be no annual fee or 10,000 free airline miles or 0% interest for six months? Is it an obsession or a compulsion? Do you do it for the thrill of having yet another available credit line, or are you like a…
The End of the World As We Know It: National Bankruptcy!
If you had to take a close look at the U.S. markets and the financial system and give an estimate on the absolute worst-case scenario for our economy, what would you predict? Martin Hennecke, senior manager of private clients at Tyche, has done just that and he has publicly declared that he believes that the…
Young Ignoramuses
How’s this for a hotly debated topic: Should credit card companies be punished for soliciting to youth and college age students? There’s many an argument out there in favor of punishing these companies for “hard-selling” their product to ignorant youth. I’d wager that there’s probably just as many arguments saying that these companies have no…
Facing That Number
A reader of Debit versus Credit recently left a comment on The Worst Years of My Financial Life. She mentioned that she is glad she is not the only one facing bad financial times and proceeded to talk about a few of the things that were weighing heavy on her financial freedom. She has been…