Month: February 2009

  • The Best of Debit versus Credit, Jan 2009

    January was a difficult month at Debit versus Credit. Not only did I begin my final semester of studies as an undergrad, but I nearly lost about a month and a half’s worth of work here when the database crashed. Thankfully I was able to recover all of my missing posts thanks to the wonderful…

  • Personal Finance Software Walkthrough:

    If you’ve ever used Quicken, Microsoft Money or another personal finance software program you know how easy they can make it to track your spending habits and other finance related things, such as your investment performance. Mint is personal finance software that is somewhat along the lines of Quicken and MS Money, but with a…

  • If We Must Regulate The Credit Card Industry, Let’s Do It Wisely

    While doing my daily reading of the financial news and articles posted on popular personal finance news sites such as CNN Money I came across an interesting feature where Americans tell President Obama what they think he should do to fix the economy and their lives. While I’m not convinced that President Obama has the…